Fellowship & Outreach
Fellowship Groups:
Friends of St Ann’s meets at St Ann’s Hall first Tuesday each month at 7.00pm
St Margaret’s Guild and Friends meets third Tuesday each month at 1.30pm
St Nicholas Fellowship meets third Friday of the month at 1.30pm – Lunch is available before hand in the SCC Cafe bookings Cathy 83924508
Bible Studies – A study group is held at St Margaret’s at 10am each Wednesday. Refer to Grapevine for other studies which are also held from time to time.
Granny Annie’s – informal drop in centre at St Ann’s, Thursdays 9.00–11.30 am. All welcome.
Family Teas – fourth Friday of each month, St Ann’s Hall, 6.30pm for 7.00 pm. Bring and share or just come.
Mothers Union – supporting young mothers and families. Meets first Monday of the month at 9.30 am either at St Ann’s Aldinga, or St Nicholas Seaford.
Choir – meets Thursdays St Ann’s Church 9.30–10.30 am
Mission Action Planning – planning for the future. Meeting as required, see Pew Sheet.
Pastoral Care Group – Home and hospital visiting, home communion.
Gardening (Prickle Team) – each Tuesday morning at St Ann’s from 9.00 am