7 Stonehouse Lane, Aldinga

Service Times:
Sunday 9.00 am
The first Sunday of each month is a Family Service, conducted by the laity.

If there is a fifth Sunday in a month, it is a Parish combined service. Please check pew sheets and noticeboards for time and place.

Find us on the map.

For further information, contact the Wardens:
Julianne Bates: Phone 0422 817 169 e-mail juliannedbates@gmail.com
Brian McMillan: Phone (08) 8557 6984 e-mail bmcmill@bigpond.net.au

Friends of St Ann’s meets at 6.55 pm on the third Tuesday of the month.

Choir Practice is held on Thursday mornings, 9.30 – 10.30 am, with a cuppa afterwards. You are welcome to join us.

Informal Family Teas are held on the fourth Friday of the month, 6.30 for 7.00 pm. Everyone is welcome.

Check the Calendar for any other activities.

Are you interested in the history of this church? If you travel on Main South Road, past Aldinga, you will have seen the stone church of St Ann, read more  . . .